Think of your auto insurance as a shield. Your auto policy protects you and your assets in case of loss, injury, or damage. At our agency we shop your policy with multiple companies to ensure you always get the best coverage and the best rates.
Your PA auto policy includes:
Collision Coverage: provides coverage for damage or destruction of your vehicle.
Comprehensive Coverage: provides coverage for your vehicle in events like theft, or storm.
Liability Coverage: provides coverage for property damage, injury, or death when you are at fault.
Medical Payments: provides coverage for injury or death to you or your passengers.
Uninsured & Underinsured Motorist Coverage: provides coverage if the other vehicle is at fault and does not have insurance or enough insurance to cover the claim.
Aside from your core coverages, some carriers offer additional coverages such as rental reimbursement, roadside assistance, glass coverage, and income loss.
Motorcycle Insurance has similar coverages as an auto policy, including property damage and bodily injury.
Valley Advantage Insurance Group also offers Watercraft, ATV, and RV Insurance. Contact us and let us help you insure your assets at the best rates we can give.